Fully-integrated carding, spinning and winding line, equipped with latest generation machinery designed to standardize dye and fiber mixes and give a very high standard of yarn uniformity and finesse.
Using the best machines available in Textile market this facility is able to spin traditional worsted spun yarns as well as siro and compact spun. In this facility are made the yarns of our fancy line, always up to date and inspired by fashion.
The factory can warp vertically in order to control the design since the beginning of fabric construction.
With 124 weaving looms it is possible to make men’s and women’s classic and fancy fabrics. Thank to full optional finishing department the factory is ab...
This production unit has been designed to provide the dyeing processes with maximum flexibility and reliability. The dye works are equipped with an automatic Color Service color kitchen, guaranteeing maximum coloring recipe precision, and consequently an optimal standard of color reproducibili...
This production unit - designed in accordance with the dictates of the latest technology applied to the high-grade finishing of woolen and cloth fabrics -guarantees technical performance of the highest standard, as well as the capacity to give our made-in-Bulgaria product a typically Italian f...