E. Miroglio Group attention to environmental issues, sustainability and to the health of all the people living in its geographical areas has resulted in a collaboration in the WBA Project, the operating arm of the World Biodiversity Association Onlus in Verona, which has been in charge of studying and protecting biodiversity since 2004.

A company that intends to collaborate in this kind of environmental protection must monitor and possibly reduce the pollution it generates. With this aim in view, we decided to make use of bees for their characteristic of showing different sensitivities to pollutants. Honey bees and their products may contain residuals of substances present in the environment, thus making them important indicators of possible contamination in the investigated area.

Our environmental biomonitoring consisted in placing two apiaries, one at the mill in Valli del Pasubio and the other one three kilometres further away in a straight line. The purpose of the second apiary was to represent a reference benchmark in an area far from the industrial one. Pollens were later collected from both sites and analysed: the results obtained were similar, thus confirming that no negative effect on the environment is to be found.

Our intent for the future is to strengthen the bond between wool and honey, both natural animal products, and to continue the collaboration between E. Miroglio and the WBA Project, thanks to the valid biomonitoring tool represented by bees.


The institutional activity of the WBA Project is explained at:


Relazione Biomonitoraggio
